Recognizing the need for consistent physician services in the outpatient setting and a concerted, programmatic approach to wound care for inpatients, Cornerstone Hospital of Austin/Round Rock has entered into an agreement with WoundCentrics , a national leader in providing advanced wound care programs and services across the continuum of care, to provide these programs starting July 1, 2016.

For many years the long-term acute care hospital’s place in the health care continuum has not been well recognized in the Austin metropolitan market. Under the current leadership of Curt Roberts (Austin and Market CEO) and Brant Robinson (Round Rock Administrator), Cornerstone’s team has worked to educate local providers about the differentiators of the LTAC from other acute and post-acute settings and the message has been well-received. However, challenges remained and some programs were not functioning as well as hoped. One of those programs was the outpatient wound care and hyperbarics center at the Round Rock facility.

Upon meeting Dr. Marcus Gitterle, CEO of WoundCentrics, to discuss their concerns regarding the outpatient services at the Round Rock facility it became apparent that inpatient services where not yet fully optimized and large financial opportunities were being missed.  Further, with payment reform coming later in the year, Dr. Gitterle explained WoundCentrics’ approach to providing management services to LTAC facilities to help them prepare for and implement strategies for accepting and profiting from shorter-stay patients reimbursed under the blended payment model.

Learning of WoundCentrics’ unique ability to provide physician services in the outpatient clinic, optimize current inpatient wound care operations and help prepare for looming changes in the next cost-reporting year, Cornerstone found the case presented by Dr. Gitterle a compelling one and we are pleased to be proceeding as partners in success. As demonstrated with LTAC facilities throughout the United States, WoundCentrics looks forward to working with the leadership and staff of Cornerstone Hospital in Round Rock to provide clinically excellent service and outcomes for patients while cutting costs and enhancing the financial outcomes for the hospital.

Click (HERE) if your facility seeks to create a highly-successful, modern wound care program (inpatient, outpatient or both). Exploring the opportunity to enhance annual revenues by $1 million or more at your facility is free of obligation and completely confidential.